Klein & MBO

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Klein & MBO Italo post-disco stalwarts were formed around the nucleus of Mario Boncaldo [Italy] and Electro-Soul-House master Tony Carrasco [USA]. The principle vocals were performed around American Italian jazz singer Rossana Casale and American chorus singer Naimy Hackett. The electro catchy techy disco sounds and melodies were all produced, written, arranged, and mixed by Mario Boncaldo and Tony Carrasco, and co-arranged with Davide Piatto.

During the mid-80s, singles like "Dirty Talk", "Wonderful" and "The MBO Theme" became major hits in both the emerging New York garage scene and Chicago's house community. Klein & MBO's first single "Dirty Talk" was originally released 1982 in Milan, Italy and soon after in the USA, where it became a huge hit and was subsequently released throughout the entire world. Tony Carrasco produced and mixed the last recorded Klein & MBO release in 1986, entitled "Keep in Touch", while his former partner Mario Boncaldo decided to go solo and formed the italo dance group MBO.

Releases: TIRK050D: Various Artists : Greg Wilson: Credit To The Edit 2
TIRK088: Klein And MBO : Dirty Talk
KMBO001: Klein & MBO : De-Ja-Vu
Tracks: Klein & MBO : Dirty Talk (Greg Wilson Edit) (Buy Download)
Klein and MBO : Dirty Talk (USA European Connection Mix) (Buy Download)
Klein and MBO : Dirty Talk (Greg Wilson Edit) (Buy Download)
Klein and MBO : Dirty Talk (Mario Boncaldo & Tony Carrasco Album Remix) (Buy Download)
Klein and MBO : Dirty Talk (Daniele Baldelli & DJ Rocca Vocal Remix) (Buy Download)
Klein and MBO : Dirty Talk (Ruff Dug Remix) (Buy Download)
Klein and MBO : Dirty Talk (Toby Tobias Splice Of Life Remix) (Buy Download)
Klein and MBO : Dirty Talk (Dee & Mannino Remix) (Buy Download)
Klein and MBO : Dirty Talk (Daniele Baldelli & DJ Rocca Instrumental) (Buy Download)
Klein and MBO : Dirty Talk (Toby Tobias Live Jam 1) (Buy Download)
Klein and MBO : Dirty Talk (Toby Tobias Live Jam 2) (Buy Download)
Klein and MBO : Dirty Talk (Toby Tobias Live Jam 3) (Buy Download)
Klein & MBO : The Big Apple (Buy Download)
Klein & MBO : The MBO Theme (Buy Download)
Klein & MBO : Wonderful (Buy Download)
Klein & MBO : Dirty Talk (Buy Download)
Klein & MBO : De-Ja-Vu (Buy Download)
Klein & MBO : I Love You (Buy Download)